The Cuckoo's Nest Pub Dublin is a historic establishment that has been serving the community since 1739.

It was a popular watering hole for locals and travellers alike. The pub was passed down through generations, until it was sold to the Lynch family in 1962.

The pub has undergone several renovations over the years, but it has always retained its traditional charm. The Cuckoo's Nest is known for its friendly atmosphere and its wide selection of beers and spirits. It is also a popular spot for live music.

In recent years, the pub has been threatened with closure due to redevelopment plans. However, a group of local residents has formed a campaign to save the Cuckoo's Nest. The group gathered over 1,000 signatures on a petition to preserve the pub.

In 2021, the Mulvaney Brothers purchased the Cuckoo's Nest Pub and the surrounding land. Recently An Bord Pleanála approved the planning application and the Mulvaney’s continue to develop the site, with plans to revitalise the Cuckoo's Nest Pub and construct the 15 apartments. The pub's reopening is expected in 2025.

The future of the Cuckoo's Nest site is promising, with the potential to revitalise the area and provide much-needed housing while preserving the pub's legacy. The Mulvaney Brothers' commitment to respecting the site's history while creating a modern and vibrant community space is a testament to their dedication to preserving Dublin's heritage while embracing its future.

Past Proprietors

  • 1739

    The Gibbon Family

  • 1800-1814

    The Allen Family

  • ?-1864

    Charles Higginson

  • 1864

    Rev. George Bradley

  • 1865-?

    Edward Keating

  • 1912-1929

    The Delaney Family

  • 1934-1962

    Larry O’Neill

  • 1962-2017

    Peadar and Phyllis Lynch

  • 2017-2021

    Michael Keogh

  • 2021-Present

    The Mulvaney Family